Identity control

Register or login with your email

Notice: Your email will be linked to any purchases you make.
Make sure your email is secure.

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Access to Astronation

Creating and having an account on Astronation is free. You will be identified using a unique, anonymous ID, but we need you to provide your email address for user identification purposes.

Users of Astronation can link accounts from other platforms and social networks to enable features and access to user's data. Accounts with links to other identity providers will be able to authorize easier and faster, when available.

More detailed information about the access to Astronation's virtual world can be found in terms of service and the privacy policy.

Frequently sought answers

  • Yes, you will be able to access this account in VR. Just make sure you use an identical email address as here.
  • Astronation stores only basic user data necessary to provide the service. We use a session cookie to keep you logged in, you are identified using an email address, and we're tracking anonymous website usage using Google Analytics.
  • Yes, you can have multiple accounts. It might not be practical, but you're free to create a reasonable amount of accounts to represent you in the virtual reality. Warning: abuse will be punished.